Category Archives: Smoothie

Cherry-Kale Smoothie

Kale cherry smoothie.2

This sounds terrible, but it’s really quite good–just in time for fresh cherries. Let me know what you think.

Cherry-Kale Smoothie
• 2 medium size ripe bananas
• 1 cup of frozen pitted cherries
• 1 cup of kale
• 2 cups of water
• a handful of almonds

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Berry-Banana-Mango Smoothie

Banana Mango Smoothie

As the days grow hotter, this sounds pretty good. What do you think?

Creamy Berry-Banana-Mango Smoothie

1 cup soy milk
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/3 cup frozen mango
1 banana
1 tbsp strawberry soy protein
topped with cacao nibs